Arrest As A Criminal Crossword Clue

Arrest as a criminal crossword clue presents a tantalizing challenge for crossword enthusiasts, inviting them to unravel the enigmatic tapestry of words and meanings. This guide delves into the intricacies of arrest as a crossword clue, exploring its various manifestations, providing strategies for solving related puzzles, and illuminating the nuances of its synonyms and antonyms.

From understanding the legal implications of arrest to deciphering its cryptic representations in crosswords, this comprehensive analysis equips solvers with the knowledge and techniques to conquer even the most perplexing arrest-related clues.

Arrest Definition

Arrest as a criminal crossword clue

An arrest, in the context of criminal justice, is the act of taking a person into custody by a law enforcement officer. It is typically made when there is probable cause to believe that the person has committed a crime or is about to commit a crime.

Arrests can be made in various situations, including:

  • When a person is caught in the act of committing a crime
  • When a person is identified as a suspect in a crime through investigation
  • When a person is found to have an outstanding warrant for their arrest

The legal implications of an arrest can vary depending on the circumstances. In general, an arrest gives the police the authority to hold the person in custody until they can be brought before a judge. The person may be released on bail or may be held in jail until their trial.

Arrest as a Crossword Clue

Arrest as a criminal crossword clue

The word “arrest” can be used as a crossword clue in various ways, including:

  • As a noun, referring to the act of taking someone into custody
  • As a verb, referring to the act of stopping or preventing something
  • As an adjective, referring to something that is stopped or prevented

Here are some examples of crossword puzzles that have used “arrest” as a clue:

  • “Act of taking into custody” (noun, 5 letters)
  • “Stop or prevent” (verb, 6 letters)
  • “Not moving” (adjective, 6 letters)

Solving crossword clues related to “arrest” can be challenging, as it requires a good understanding of the different ways the word can be used.

Synonyms and Antonyms of Arrest: Arrest As A Criminal Crossword Clue


  • Apprehend
  • Capture
  • Detain
  • Hold
  • Seize

Antonyms, Arrest as a criminal crossword clue

  • Release
  • Free
  • Discharge
  • Acquit
  • Pardon

The nuances and differences in meaning among these words can be subtle. For example, “arrest” typically implies that the person is taken into custody by law enforcement, while “detain” can also refer to holding someone for a shorter period of time, such as for questioning.

Related Terms and Concepts

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  • Booking: The process of taking a person into custody and recording their personal information.
  • Probable cause: The reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime, based on facts and circumstances.
  • Miranda rights: The rights that must be read to a person who has been arrested, including the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.
  • Bail: The money that a person must pay in order to be released from jail while awaiting trial.
  • Trial: The legal proceeding in which a person is accused of a crime and a jury or judge determines whether they are guilty.

These terms and concepts are closely related to arrest and may appear in crossword puzzles as clues or answers.

Key Questions Answered

What are some common synonyms for “arrest” in crossword puzzles?

Synonyms for “arrest” include “apprehend,” “detain,” “nab,” “seize,” and “take into custody.”

What are some antonyms for “arrest” that may appear in crossword puzzles?

Antonyms for “arrest” include “release,” “free,” “discharge,” and “let go.”

What are some related terms and concepts that may appear in crossword puzzles alongside “arrest”?

Related terms and concepts include “bail,” “arraignment,” “indictment,” “sentencing,” and “parole.”